Each week I'm reminded of my love/hate relationship with menu planning. The organizer side of me loves to have a plan. The lazy side of me votes for ordering pizza every day. I then remind myself that would not be frugal or kind to my figure (and I need all the kindness I can get). I love the search for new recipes and knowing each day what's on the menu, but it can become a chore to do it each week especially when you get in a funk and can't think of anything to cook. For this reason I have decided to try a new method. With a little extra up front planning, I've put together a month's worth of meals (4 different weekly menu plans). I then plan to recycle these menus over the next few months with some flexibility built in. My hopes are that this will save me time each week.
I started with a theme for each night of the week and then added 4 dishes to each category. I had never planned around themes before, but I found it to be a cinch! I had my husband tell me what things he would like to see on the menu as well. I left a few blanks for new recipes that come up or unexpected dinners out.
There is a drawback, because I'll have things planned for the month, I won't necessarily be planning around the weekly sales. I don't think this will dramatically impact our grocery budget though because honestly with being back to teaching, I haven't been keeping up with it that much. I'll still check the sales for other items and can match up side dishes with what's on sale.
So here's a peak at our menu. Notice that meat has made a comeback? We're starting to have it 2-3 times a week now. Here's to having a plan!
I would love to hear if any of you have tried planning this way and how it has worked for your family.
Week 1:
Monday-Blackbean & corn quesadillas with spanish rice
Tuesday-Stuffed peppers, Italian corn
Wednesday-Chicken & vegetable paella
Thursday-Breakfast for dinner
Friday-Meatloaf, veggies, corn casserole
Saturday-zesty black bean soup
Sunday-Turkey burgers
Week 2:
Monday-Southwest rollups
Tuesday-Spaghetti, salad
Wednesday-Skillet chicken, brown sugar carrots
Thursday-Salad and baked potatoes
Friday-Slow cooker applesauce chicken, butternut squash, broccoli
Saturday-taco soup
Sunday-Grilled veggie sandwiches
Week 3:
Monday-black-bean salads
Tuesday-Homemade pizza
Wednesday-zucchini and squash bake, veggies
Thursday-Crockpot Italian chicken, green beans, potatoes
Friday-Parmesan chicken, salad
Saturday-Cheddar and vegetable soup
Sunday-BLT, fruit
Week 4:
Monday-Southwest black bean pasta
Tuesday-Sloppy lentil sandwiches, salad
Thursday-Vegetable stir fry, ambrosia salad
Saturday-Fiesta chicken soup
Sunday- Egg salad sandwiches, chips, raw veggies
Great job Lindsay!
ReplyDeleteI did a month menu before we moved. I knew I wouldn't be able to think clearly with work & packing. While planning I starred the days that we would be in the moving process, knowing those would be days I would not want to cook! So for those days I picked meals that would be great to freeze. Then I chose days in the weeks leading up to moving to cook my freezer meals. It was really nice to have things planned out that far ahead!
I have gone back to my week by week planning though. Not really sure if made a big difference for me or not. Plus I plan my meals according to my work schedule which is forever changing.
A word about the sales...when you make your grocery list for that week's shopping... you can take a look at the sales & swap out a meal from one week to another if a sale corresponds with a particular meal.
Keep up the great work!
Thanks Ros! This will come in handy for the moving process. Good idea about freezing ahead of time.
ReplyDeleteHOW do you do it??? ack. ;)
ReplyDeleteI love that you're trying the monthly menu... AND that you're doing black bean dishes on Mondays. I think that would make me look forward to Mondays more!
Well Karmann, perhaps the 3 of us gals can get together once a month & "swap" recipes/meal plan! I think it would be a great time!
I was home from work on Tuesday and Wednesday so I had a little extra time, but it seriously didn't take that long. I think it will be worth it. And Ros, I'm always up for new recipes. Or...we could have a freezer cooking day.