Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The many hats we wear

Tonight my son, Nathan, reminded me once again that as a mom, you wear many hats. My hat tonight was throw up cleaner upper. This would not seem like a big deal and not terribly disgusting had it been HIS throw up. Instead, it was the throw up of a perfect stranger that my son found in a small spot on the floor of a shoe store. Oh the joys! I know there will be many more disgusting moments in my future as a mom to a curious little boy. Despite the gross factor, it's all worth it because it's all these moments put together that make me stronger as a mother. Each hat that we wear whether it be chauffeur, boo-boo kisser, diaper changer, cook, janitor, and yes, even throw up cleaner upper, it's all done out of love, and the job comes with many perks. So, what hat are you wearing today?

Monday, August 30, 2010

Homemade Yogurt

I've had it on my list of "new things I would like to try" for awhile, and I finally can check it off...making homemade yogurt that is. I only went about it because I found this very easy recipe that uses a crockpot. Yes, that's right, a crockpot. It's a long process, but not complicated. My yogurt wasn't as thick as I like it, so I think I'm going to follow Alicia's suggestion and strain it next time to separate the whey. I also will add some flavor and sweetener in the process. I find the taste of plain yogurt too disgusting. I've been doctoring it up with vanilla and fruit, but I guess all these years of buying yoplait has spoiled me into thinking yogurt needs to taste like candy :) Overall though I like being able to make my own yogurt, and I'm sure it's more cost efficient. Because of the time it takes, I probably will end up doing it once a month. Here's the original recipe I followed. As you see in the picture, I ended up with about 8 cups of yogurt! I think this will be less if I strain it next time. Don't be intimidated by yogurt making, give it a try!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Green Goodness!

I had heard of green smoothies before but was a little reluctant to give it a try. Maybe it was the idea that spinach or swiss chard would ruin the sweetness that I love about smoothies. I like spinach, I like smoothies, but I didn't like the idea of them together. Now that I have made them I can sum up my thoughts with one word...YUM! They are every bit as good as "normal" smoothies only these are packed with the punch of more vitamins and nutrients from the greens. I made a basic strawberry and banana with spinach, and a little sugar. I can't wait to experiment with other fruits and greens. Another plus is that Nathan liked it as much as I did.

A few recipes to get you started:
Green Slushy
Green Smoothie

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Today's shopping trip

I ran into Harris Teeter this morning with Nathan in tow before heading to work. I hadn't seen a lot on the list of Harris Teeter deals that I needed, so I used only 3 coupons. The yogurt was free and the peanut butter was a money maker. In all I spent $2.95 for all 6 items, and that to me was a good deal. Kroger has some good deals this week with their Mega savings deals that I would recommend checking out.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Farewell Summer

While I feel that summer only just began, I find myself with less than a week before I have to jump back into the saddle as a working woman again (insert long and pitiful sigh here). As I prepare for school, I've been reflecting on the summer and evaluating my goals for the upcoming year. I accomplished all of my summer goals that I had shared in an earlier post with the exception of routinely running 3 miles (umm, maybe I'll put it on my goal list for this fall). In addition, I feel that I had a great summer relishing in the daily discoveries that Nathan makes, watching his personality emerge, having lunch dates with my husband, making jam, sleeping in, spending time at the beach, and reading. Of course I know many of these things don't have to end just because I go back to work, but they just seem even better in the summer.

One of the things I will miss the most is having more freedom and time to read. I've made it my goal to read at least one book per month when school begins. Here's a look at some of the non-fiction books I read this summer:

Kingdom Education: This was a required read for school, but I enjoyed it more than I thought. It speaks on the importance and role that the church, school, and family play in educating children. I may not agree with everything, but it really made me value Christian education more.

Baby Wise Second Edition for the Pre-toddler: I felt that I was already putting into practice most of the information in this book, but it was a good refresher about the importance of setting boundaries, keeping a routine, and such forth. It was a quick read that could be read within a few days.

Early Start Potty Training: I didn't read this book in its entirety, but got most of the general ideas and points. While it all sounds good, and I understand it and like the way it sounds in theory, I don't know at this point that I'm ready to embark into full potty training. I would possibly feel different if I were at home full time. I think at Nathan's age that I would like to start exposing him to the potty and lay the foundation to work towards it. I'm not completely sold though on the idea of infant potty-training.

A Woman After God's Own Heart: This is a book that I had read in college, but at the time much of the information was not relevant to my circumstances. In reading it again I have gained so much more from it. I gleaned so much from the practical points on my roles as a wife and mother. It has challenged me to serve and love my husband more intentionally. I also have an increased desire for growing in wisdom and memorizing scripture. This book has helped me realize my priorities as a woman. Some of the ideas seem "old-fashioned" but overall I really enjoyed this book.

Have you read any good books lately that you would recommend?