Monday, August 30, 2010

Homemade Yogurt

I've had it on my list of "new things I would like to try" for awhile, and I finally can check it off...making homemade yogurt that is. I only went about it because I found this very easy recipe that uses a crockpot. Yes, that's right, a crockpot. It's a long process, but not complicated. My yogurt wasn't as thick as I like it, so I think I'm going to follow Alicia's suggestion and strain it next time to separate the whey. I also will add some flavor and sweetener in the process. I find the taste of plain yogurt too disgusting. I've been doctoring it up with vanilla and fruit, but I guess all these years of buying yoplait has spoiled me into thinking yogurt needs to taste like candy :) Overall though I like being able to make my own yogurt, and I'm sure it's more cost efficient. Because of the time it takes, I probably will end up doing it once a month. Here's the original recipe I followed. As you see in the picture, I ended up with about 8 cups of yogurt! I think this will be less if I strain it next time. Don't be intimidated by yogurt making, give it a try!


  1. I want to try it but good grief, it's like a all day thing! I've been spoiled by "candy" yogurt too =)

  2. I've gotten used to the taste of yogurt I sweetened myself over time. My favorite part of making yogurt is that I always have plenty to use in other recipes. It's a great substitute for sour cream or sometimes even mayonnaise.

  3. I never thought to use the plain yogurt as a sour cream substitute. Thanks for the tip!
