Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The many hats we wear

Tonight my son, Nathan, reminded me once again that as a mom, you wear many hats. My hat tonight was throw up cleaner upper. This would not seem like a big deal and not terribly disgusting had it been HIS throw up. Instead, it was the throw up of a perfect stranger that my son found in a small spot on the floor of a shoe store. Oh the joys! I know there will be many more disgusting moments in my future as a mom to a curious little boy. Despite the gross factor, it's all worth it because it's all these moments put together that make me stronger as a mother. Each hat that we wear whether it be chauffeur, boo-boo kisser, diaper changer, cook, janitor, and yes, even throw up cleaner upper, it's all done out of love, and the job comes with many perks. So, what hat are you wearing today?

1 comment:

  1. I would have freaked out!! When Josh was little he liked to play with sticks. One time he thought he picked up a stick but it was a snake!! Luckily Jack caught it right away.
