Friday, September 10, 2010

Date Night

Aren't children wonderful? Their innocent smiles, their silly laughs, their babbling as they're learning to talk, their whining, their constant need for attention...hmm, wait a minute. Yes, a child is one of the greatest blessings I've been given, but there is also something wonderful about time away! Tonight is one of those times. It's the glorious night known as date night! Going to a nicer restaurant without having to tear food apart into bite size pieces and without the looming fear that my child will have a "moment" that will get us dirty looks from neighboring diners is certainly a finer thing. Time alone together without uninterrupted conversation is crucial for every marriage. It doesn't come often enough, but it is always cherished. Maybe the best thing about date night is that you come home refreshed and eager to hug those little ones that make you appreciate date night to begin with. That's the finer thing I'm enjoying today. What's yours?

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