Thursday, September 30, 2010

Moving on up

The past few days and weeks have been a whirlwind. My life has been consumed with boxes, frozen tater tots, and a disheveled feeling. In the end though it's completely worth it because we're now home owners. This week we took on the new challenge of closing on a house and moving. Things are beginning to find their place, and the house is taking on the feeling of home quickly :)

We had been renters for 4 years in a small house with a soap box for a kitchen. I now have a kitchen with cabinets that remain empty and a dishwasher (insert tears of joy here)!

As I cleaned the rental house today I did let emotions (or hormones) get the best of me as I reflected on the great memories we had made there. I mean it was the house where we started our family and celebrated our first Christmas (sniff, sniff). I'm letting go though. I'm looking forward to the new memories, the new traditions, and the new family members that will join us in this home.

This is a new phase and adventure in our life, and I'm thankful for it.
Check out what new adventures others are trying over at Alicia's Homemaking.


  1. Whooo-hoooo! Congrats! That is awesome.
    Moving does give you such a disheveled feeling, but I'm sure you'll have everything in order soon. How awesome to have a dishwasher, too (I feel you on how great that is!). :)
    Thanks for linking up to Try New Adventures Thursday!

  2. Hurray for dishwashers!
