Thursday, July 22, 2010

International Friends

The past few years Luke and I have wanted to participate in NC State's International Friendship Program, but due to procrastination we missed the sign up period. Not this year! I've already completed my applications. The program matches US residents with International students and asks that you get together at least once a month for a meal, coffee, bowling, etc. We've requested a married couple or young family and are looking forward to branching out and learning about another culture as well developing a relationship with them. Check out Alicia's blog to see what new things others are trying.


  1. This is so cool!! Sounds like a neat program. I'd love to know how it goes once you get involved.
    Thanks so much for linking up again!

  2. Awesome! My family did this with the local university when I was a teenager, and we had two Chinese girls assigned to us. We took them to the fair, had them over for Thanksgiving dinner, and went to the museum. My favorite memories were going to the Asian market to shop and then cook a Chinese meal together. SO YUM. :) My mom incorporated the whole experience into a unit study on China that year.

  3. I'm excited about the opportunity. I just hope I can represent American culture well to them ;) Audrey, that sounds really awesome.
