Thursday, July 1, 2010

New Adventures

With the extra time I have off from teaching during the summer, I've tried to be proactive in setting little goals for myself. One of those is to try new things that I normally don't feel like I have the time to do. So when I saw this over on Alicia's blog, I decided to hop on board. This week I tried two new things. The first was making blackberry jam. After picking the fresh berries over the weekend, I went to work on Monday to make a batch of jam. I just followed the recipe on the sure-jel pectin box. Now, most jam recipes call for you to give the jars a water bath after the jars are full so that they seal properly. I talked on the phone to my grandma (expert canner), and she told me she never does that for her jam, and they always seal. I had my doubts, but who am I to disagree with grandma? So, I followed her instructions of keeping the lids in hot water on the stove and after filling the jars and putting on the tops, I let them sit. Sure enough, I kept hearing the popping sound of the lids as they sealed. If you are wanting to try making jam but don't have a canning pot, no worries. I didn't use one, and the jam came out great! Just be sure to add the jam to the jars right away after cooking and add the hot lids immediately. I would love to make another batch if I can still get berries after I get back from vacation.

Another new adventure I had was taking Nathan to the Mother Goose story telling time at our local library. The 15 min. program is held twice a week for 1-2 year olds. I went prepared with Cheerios on hand just in case he was less than amused with the activities. I was surprised at how focused he was. He laughed, clapped, and seemed to enjoy it. I was just relieved I didn't have to excuse myself and take the walk of shame out of the library with a crying baby. That said, I think we'll go again.

What about you? Did you try anything new?


  1. Lindsay, I am so excited that you joined in!
    AND, I must say, what a fun new thing to try. I'm very very eager to try this myself, so it's encouraging to hear you say that you didn't have to have a canning pot. Our apartment is so small that I don't want to buy more stuff to try to squeeze in my kitchen.
    I just heard about a place close by me where I can get cheap strawberries, so my chance might be coming up soon.
    Loved reading this.

  2. I would love to make jam, but I keep wondering if it's worth it, since all the recipes I find have so much sugar in them. It's SOOO YUMMY though!!

    I have taken my little girl to the library time too, and she really likes it; makes me want to go back, reading about your adventure....

    PS I found you through Try New Adventures Thursday.
