Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Free e-book

I guess I have always been a bit of a worrier, but since having Nathan, I would say my worrying tendencies increased. I embarrassingly admit that I often find myself crying in my car about things that haven't even happened. I imagine my reactions to traumatic events and within a few moments the tears are streaming. Do other people do this? If not, I may have one more thing to cry about. This however makes me very good at empathizing with other people. I am routinely having to give my worries to God and trust that He always has my good in mind and will never abandon me in any situation. After knowing and hearing of several people who have lost a baby, my heart is often broken at the thought. The book below deals with this issue and the issues of trusting God through difficult circumstances.

While visiting another blog, I saw a post for a free e-book for I Will Carry You by Angie Smith. As I investigated further, I learned more of the story behind the book. I'm putting it on my reading list. Has anyone ever read it or heard of it?
If you would like to learn more about Angie's story, you can check out her blog here. By clicking on the link of the book title, you can get your free e-book. I think the deal ends today.

1 comment:

  1. they are part of a group called "Selah". the last song on the cd is "I will carry you" which is about this story. it's very touching. I too am a very big worrier, and half of the stuff never happens. I found it has gotten worse since I've had kids.
