Monday, March 29, 2010

Meatless Menu

Back in November Luke and I decided to go meatless (at least when we're cooking at home). We still eat meat, we just don't buy it and cook it at home the majority of the time. Our reasoning was to cut down on our grocery bill and eat a little healthier at the same time. We've really liked this change. I've liked the challenge of finding good recipes to pack in the protein we typically would have had, and I definitely don't miss handling raw meat. People usually ask me, "If you don't cook meat for dinner, what do you eat?" So to answer your question, here's a look at our menu for this week.

Monday: Veggie and black bean tacos, rice, and fruit
Tuesday: Breakfast for dinner-eggs, pancakes, fruit (I might actually cook bacon too:)
Wednesday: Spaghetti, salad, garlic bread
Thursday: Date night- dinner out
Friday: macaroni and cheese , corn and peas, salad, and rolls
Saturday: Grilled veggie foccacia sandwiches
Sunday: Easter dinner with family


  1. That's great you can do that....I wish I could. that would definately cut my grocery budget! I try to get my meat on sale and then do freezer cooking when I get good deals.

  2. That's awesome! I was a vegetarian before I was pregnant and had a steak for the first time in 5 yrs a few weeks ago. Not having meat cuts the bill down for we're having spaghetti tonight too :)

  3. Kayla, when I was prego I craved meat. It's weird. I went through a period where I wanted a hamburger or tacos a lot.
