Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Harris Teeter bright and early

There once was a mommy who decided not to give her son his bottle before bedtime. Instead, she just gave him a sippy cup of milk at dinner, two hours earlier than usual. So, her little boy then woke up 2 hours earlier than normal at the dark, sleepy hour of 4:30am. After trying to soothe him back to sleep, he began to relentlessly scream until a bottle was placed in his mouth. After which he went back to sleep for a few more hours. This half asleep mother then decided, while fumbling through the kitchen, that she didn't care if her son had a bottle the rest of his life, she did not want to wake up at 4:30am against her will ever again. By this time, the mommy was already awake, so she decided, "Why not make the most of the morning?" She showered, read, had tea, and then headed to Harris Teeter to cash in on the Super Doubles. Yes, she became one those moms that stood at the register with her coupon notebook in hand along with the other peppy morning coupon shoppers waiting for the clock to strike 7am so that she could check out. Upon checking out, she was rather thankful that her son had woken her up early so that she could experience coupon shopping without any of the items being sold out. She was thankful that she was able to bring her $86 bill down to $43. "Maybe waking up so early isn't that bad" she thought, at least until tomorrow morning.

1 comment:

  1. Ha! Since I wasn't working we were there before 8. The kids wanted to know why we had to get up so early just to go to the grocery store!!
