Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Morning Bliss

Today is one of those rare mornings. The house is quiet, my English breakfast tea is sweetened perfectly, and I'm ALONE! I don't remember the last time my morning has looked like this. Luke took Nathan to daycare on his way to work because I have an appointment later (I'll tell you about that later). So, here I sit drinking my tea and basking in this morning bliss. I'm feeling pretty accomplished too. The kitchen is clean, laundry is spinning, and my heart is full from time in God's Word. I wanted to share a thought from my quiet time(I really don't like this phrase, but for lack of another, I'll use it). Genesis 17:16 says She (Sarah)shall be a mother of nations. I was reading in a devotional book how we all leave a legacy of sorts. This challenged me to think about the legacy I will be leaving with my children, friends, family, strangers, etc. Each day we are given opportunities both big and small to leave a lasting legacy. A quote in a book I'm reading states:Don't waste a moment of your faith stewardship. Pass it on! So the question is, what will you be passing on today?

By the way, the appointment I have today is for a massage and pedicure.The best part is, it was a gift. I'm just a little excited!

1 comment:

  1. have fun....you deserve it....by the way, i thought your appt was for something else (ha ha)
