Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Tasty Tuesday

Recently I've been feeling as though I've been in a cooking rut. My meals the past month have been coming together haphazardly with not a lot of thought. So, each Tuesday this month I'm going to try out a new recipe and post the good and the bad. Up first for review is a summer harvest soup.

I liked the soup because it was cooked in a crockpot. I chopped and prepped this morning, went for a massage, and came back to a pleasant aroma of simmering soup. It was hearty with the fresh veggies, but needed a little kick. I think my mistake was in adding too many noodles. I chose to use dry noodles because I already had them on hand and added them 30 min. before serving. I however just eyeballed it and after they swelled from cooking, I think they took away from the veggies. I would also recommend adding a little salt. I shredded some fresh parmesan and added some croutons to top it off. Another plus was that Nathan really enjoyed it!

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