Monday, June 7, 2010

When living naturally becomes negative

Since having Nathan, I have become much more aware of and conscientious about what we eat and the things that we use on a daily basis. I find myself reading labels much more and trying to decipher between which items are more beneficial and less harmful. While doing these things are good and well, if not careful, I can find myself obsessing about it, which is not good. In recent culture, there is a push for people to embrace only those things which are natural and organic. This is not wrong in and of itself, in fact it is good and wholesome. However, I sometimes get the idea that people feel that these things make you a better person, better mom, etc. I realized that I was allowing this way of thinking to make myself feel guilty. I also need to be careful that I don't cause others to feel this way as a result of the choices I make for my family. To each his own. I came across this post on the blog Passionate Homemaking that I enjoy, and it hits the nail on the head for this subject matter. I hope you read it and are encouraged and challenged by it. I know I was. So, while I do aspire to make more natural choices for my family, I'm not going to obsess on it or look down on others who may choose otherwise. I love how in the post, Lindsay (I'm not referring to myself, her name is Lindsay too) points out that relationships and fellowship are more important. God calls us to walk humbly and love others. Why let a little high fructose corn syrup get in the way of that?


  1. I think you are spot on. It's really comparable to religion getting in the way of freedom. It can become really oppressive trying to do "the right thing." At the same time, we strive to do what is good and what is beneficial. The beauty of that is that what is good and beneficial changes from situation to situation. Fructose around the house may not be good for the Stevenson clan, but when a neighbor brings over some root beer for floats I am sure God is pleased when we drink up! Spot on my friend!

  2. That was from Adam Jones...not sure why it said 777downtown...
