Friday, June 4, 2010

Yard sale on the news!

Today I had the opportunity to be interviewed for a piece about yard sales. Yes, that's right, I was on the six o'clock evening news on WRAL. I'll be honest, it was not something that I was overly excited about. Before they arrived for the interview, I'm sure I looked at myself and the house nervously a gagillion times. I hate that nervous feeling. So, if you missed it, here it is, my 30 seconds of fame. I'll post after tomorrow's sale to let you know how we did. Maybe our television debut will help boost our sales! By the way, props to my little Nathan for being so good while they were here.


  1. Oops, the video isn't posted in wide screen, so I'm cut out a little. I like being half my size though :)

  2. how exciting....of all days I miss the news...i was helping a friend get ready for her yard sale. you did great. i would have been so nervous!! last year i was in the background when they did a piece about the kids exchange consignment sale! i hope you did well. we found some awesome treasures today!!
