Wednesday, June 2, 2010

A Way to Save

While standing in front of the milk cooler at the grocery store, my eyes lit up when I saw organic milk for $2.85. I moved into quick action to claim my gallon. The milk was 50% off because the expiration date was 3 days away. However, at the rate we're going through milk, I knew it wouldn't be a problem to use it within 3-4 days. In most cases, you can go past the date one or two days, and it is still fine. This made me remember and think of an easy way to save money at the grocery store. Look for markdowns on items that are nearing their posted date. Most of the time, the items are perfectly fine but are marked down to get a sale in before they have to be thrown away since the grocery store is not allowed to sell the items past their posted sell by date. I have found produce marked down for a great deal. If you find bananas, berries, or other fresh fruit that is marked down because it is a little overripe and you can't use it that day, you can take them home, chop them, and freeze them. This is great for making smoothies! I've also found really good deals on meat this way. As with the fruit, if you can't use it within 1-2 days, freeze it. Now that's an easy way to save, and no coupons required!

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