Thursday, September 30, 2010
Moving on up
The past few days and weeks have been a whirlwind. My life has been consumed with boxes, frozen tater tots, and a disheveled feeling. In the end though it's completely worth it because we're now home owners. This week we took on the new challenge of closing on a house and moving. Things are beginning to find their place, and the house is taking on the feeling of home quickly :)
We had been renters for 4 years in a small house with a soap box for a kitchen. I now have a kitchen with cabinets that remain empty and a dishwasher (insert tears of joy here)!
As I cleaned the rental house today I did let emotions (or hormones) get the best of me as I reflected on the great memories we had made there. I mean it was the house where we started our family and celebrated our first Christmas (sniff, sniff). I'm letting go though. I'm looking forward to the new memories, the new traditions, and the new family members that will join us in this home.
This is a new phase and adventure in our life, and I'm thankful for it.
Check out what new adventures others are trying over at Alicia's Homemaking.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Friday, September 10, 2010
Date Night
Aren't children wonderful? Their innocent smiles, their silly laughs, their babbling as they're learning to talk, their whining, their constant need for attention...hmm, wait a minute. Yes, a child is one of the greatest blessings I've been given, but there is also something wonderful about time away! Tonight is one of those times. It's the glorious night known as date night! Going to a nicer restaurant without having to tear food apart into bite size pieces and without the looming fear that my child will have a "moment" that will get us dirty looks from neighboring diners is certainly a finer thing. Time alone together without uninterrupted conversation is crucial for every marriage. It doesn't come often enough, but it is always cherished. Maybe the best thing about date night is that you come home refreshed and eager to hug those little ones that make you appreciate date night to begin with. That's the finer thing I'm enjoying today. What's yours?
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Menu Planning
Each week I'm reminded of my love/hate relationship with menu planning. The organizer side of me loves to have a plan. The lazy side of me votes for ordering pizza every day. I then remind myself that would not be frugal or kind to my figure (and I need all the kindness I can get). I love the search for new recipes and knowing each day what's on the menu, but it can become a chore to do it each week especially when you get in a funk and can't think of anything to cook. For this reason I have decided to try a new method. With a little extra up front planning, I've put together a month's worth of meals (4 different weekly menu plans). I then plan to recycle these menus over the next few months with some flexibility built in. My hopes are that this will save me time each week.
I started with a theme for each night of the week and then added 4 dishes to each category. I had never planned around themes before, but I found it to be a cinch! I had my husband tell me what things he would like to see on the menu as well. I left a few blanks for new recipes that come up or unexpected dinners out.
There is a drawback, because I'll have things planned for the month, I won't necessarily be planning around the weekly sales. I don't think this will dramatically impact our grocery budget though because honestly with being back to teaching, I haven't been keeping up with it that much. I'll still check the sales for other items and can match up side dishes with what's on sale.
So here's a peak at our menu. Notice that meat has made a comeback? We're starting to have it 2-3 times a week now. Here's to having a plan!
I would love to hear if any of you have tried planning this way and how it has worked for your family.
Week 1:
Monday-Blackbean & corn quesadillas with spanish rice
Tuesday-Stuffed peppers, Italian corn
Wednesday-Chicken & vegetable paella
Thursday-Breakfast for dinner
Friday-Meatloaf, veggies, corn casserole
Saturday-zesty black bean soup
Sunday-Turkey burgers
Week 2:
Monday-Southwest rollups
Tuesday-Spaghetti, salad
Wednesday-Skillet chicken, brown sugar carrots
Thursday-Salad and baked potatoes
Friday-Slow cooker applesauce chicken, butternut squash, broccoli
Saturday-taco soup
Sunday-Grilled veggie sandwiches
Week 3:
Monday-black-bean salads
Tuesday-Homemade pizza
Wednesday-zucchini and squash bake, veggies
Thursday-Crockpot Italian chicken, green beans, potatoes
Friday-Parmesan chicken, salad
Saturday-Cheddar and vegetable soup
Sunday-BLT, fruit
Week 4:
Monday-Southwest black bean pasta
Tuesday-Sloppy lentil sandwiches, salad
Thursday-Vegetable stir fry, ambrosia salad
Saturday-Fiesta chicken soup
Sunday- Egg salad sandwiches, chips, raw veggies
Monday, September 6, 2010
Happy Labor Day
I was due with our first little boy on May 14. On April 30 I had been feeling what I thought to be more braxton hicks contractions than usual. The feelings continued and in the back of mind I kept thinking, "what if this is it?" At my doctor's appointment that week I had only been slightly dilated, and I had heard from many people that with your first baby it's less likely to give birth early, so I went to bed thinking tomorrow would be another normal day. It was supposed to be my last day of teaching before starting my maternity leave.
Around 3 am I woke up for my regular middle of the night bathroom break. Only this time it wouldn't be so normal. When I sat up, I felt a sudden stream of water. I wondered if I had wet my pants! How embarrassing I thought. As I shook off my sleepiness and went to the bathroom I knew by the looks of things that my water had broken. I was suddenly filled with excitement. I went to the living room wondering what I should do. I sat for a while, prayed, got giddy, and then remembered that the doctor said to call when my water broke. After talking to the doctor, my husband who had still been sleeping emerged from the bedroom wondering who I was talking to. I had decided not to wake him because I wanted him to get his sleep and be rested for what lie ahead. We then decided to go back to sleep. For a woman who's water just broke, and she knows she's going to be having a baby that day, sleep was not so easy. My adrenaline had already started pumping. That next morning I wasn't feeling any notable contractions. We went walking in hopes of getting things going. After talking with the doctor more, she wanted us to come in around 1:00 that afternoon. I realized that I didn't have any nursing bras, and I insisted that we go shopping and to Chick-fil-a. We checked into the hospital at 2:00.
They got me ready with the mandatory saline lock. This was almost worse than the labor. They couldn't find a suitable vein and had to stick me a lot. My contractions were still weak and far apart, so Luke and I went to walking. My contractions would become stronger as we walked but would slow back down each time I had to be checked. The talk started turning to pitocin, which I didn't want. We told the doctor that we wanted to wait, so the power-walking continued. I'm sure we tracked several miles before the night was over. Around 6pm, with little progress still being made, the doctor felt that it was time for pitocin. We decided to go ahead with it, and I soon was feeling the uncomfortable labor. I had to have a fetal heart monitor on, but thankfully we were able to continue walking. When the contractions intensified, I spent most of the time on the birth ball. My husband was great at supporting me and encouraging me through the contractions. I found that the thing that helped me cope with and focus was to hum hymns. Our birth instructor had told us that each woman finds their own pain management once they are in labor, and that was mine. As my body started to go through transition, I felt nauseous and then threw up. I had started feeling more pressure in the lowest part of my back. My nurse asked me if I felt the need to push, but I really didn't know. She walked out, and I had a major contraction, she walked back in a minute later, and said "by the looks of that contraction, you're ready."
I got situated in the bed and did my first pushing. I had not realized how hard and exhausting pushing would be. My nurse left us to go get my doctor. She told Luke and I that with the next contraction I should go ahead and push. We laughed to ourselves that we had to do this alone. Luke took on the role as doctor and counted me through the next contractions. With the doctor in place, the pushing continued. I pushed over the course of 50 minutes. As Nathan crowned I experienced pain like never before. I know understood why it is called, "the ring of fire" Crazy! At 11:50 on May 1 every second of pain became worth it as Nathan was placed in my arms. My heart expanded to an understanding of love I had not yet known.
Because of some tearing the doctor sewed me up. This was my least favorite part of the whole birth. After that, they cleaned Nathan up in our room and did all the necessary checks on the baby. We then had our first time alone together as a family...awesome!
In the end, I was so thankful for how everything happened. I amazed myself at coping with the contractions and managing the pain without an epidural (thank you God). I did however learn a couple of things.
1. God has created our bodies to do this amazingly beautiful thing
2. If my water breaks with the next pregnancy, I will wait to call my doctor and will wait to go into the hospital until I'm further along.
3. My husband is my best labor coach!
I would love to read your birth stories. You can link up over at Amy's Finer Things.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
The many hats we wear
Tonight my son, Nathan, reminded me once again that as a mom, you wear many hats. My hat tonight was throw up cleaner upper. This would not seem like a big deal and not terribly disgusting had it been HIS throw up. Instead, it was the throw up of a perfect stranger that my son found in a small spot on the floor of a shoe store. Oh the joys! I know there will be many more disgusting moments in my future as a mom to a curious little boy. Despite the gross factor, it's all worth it because it's all these moments put together that make me stronger as a mother. Each hat that we wear whether it be chauffeur, boo-boo kisser, diaper changer, cook, janitor, and yes, even throw up cleaner upper, it's all done out of love, and the job comes with many perks. So, what hat are you wearing today?
Monday, August 30, 2010
Homemade Yogurt
I've had it on my list of "new things I would like to try" for awhile, and I finally can check it off...making homemade yogurt that is. I only went about it because I found this very easy recipe that uses a crockpot. Yes, that's right, a crockpot. It's a long process, but not complicated. My yogurt wasn't as thick as I like it, so I think I'm going to follow Alicia's suggestion and strain it next time to separate the whey. I also will add some flavor and sweetener in the process. I find the taste of plain yogurt too disgusting. I've been doctoring it up with vanilla and fruit, but I guess all these years of buying yoplait has spoiled me into thinking yogurt needs to taste like candy :) Overall though I like being able to make my own yogurt, and I'm sure it's more cost efficient. Because of the time it takes, I probably will end up doing it once a month. Here's the original recipe I followed. As you see in the picture, I ended up with about 8 cups of yogurt! I think this will be less if I strain it next time. Don't be intimidated by yogurt making, give it a try!
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Green Goodness!
I had heard of green smoothies before but was a little reluctant to give it a try. Maybe it was the idea that spinach or swiss chard would ruin the sweetness that I love about smoothies. I like spinach, I like smoothies, but I didn't like the idea of them together. Now that I have made them I can sum up my thoughts with one word...YUM! They are every bit as good as "normal" smoothies only these are packed with the punch of more vitamins and nutrients from the greens. I made a basic strawberry and banana with spinach, and a little sugar. I can't wait to experiment with other fruits and greens. Another plus is that Nathan liked it as much as I did.
A few recipes to get you started:
Green Slushy
Green Smoothie
A few recipes to get you started:
Green Slushy
Green Smoothie
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Today's shopping trip
I ran into Harris Teeter this morning with Nathan in tow before heading to work. I hadn't seen a lot on the list of Harris Teeter deals that I needed, so I used only 3 coupons. The yogurt was free and the peanut butter was a money maker. In all I spent $2.95 for all 6 items, and that to me was a good deal. Kroger has some good deals this week with their Mega savings deals that I would recommend checking out.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Farewell Summer
While I feel that summer only just began, I find myself with less than a week before I have to jump back into the saddle as a working woman again (insert long and pitiful sigh here). As I prepare for school, I've been reflecting on the summer and evaluating my goals for the upcoming year. I accomplished all of my summer goals that I had shared in an earlier post with the exception of routinely running 3 miles (umm, maybe I'll put it on my goal list for this fall). In addition, I feel that I had a great summer relishing in the daily discoveries that Nathan makes, watching his personality emerge, having lunch dates with my husband, making jam, sleeping in, spending time at the beach, and reading. Of course I know many of these things don't have to end just because I go back to work, but they just seem even better in the summer.
One of the things I will miss the most is having more freedom and time to read. I've made it my goal to read at least one book per month when school begins. Here's a look at some of the non-fiction books I read this summer:
Kingdom Education: This was a required read for school, but I enjoyed it more than I thought. It speaks on the importance and role that the church, school, and family play in educating children. I may not agree with everything, but it really made me value Christian education more.
Baby Wise Second Edition for the Pre-toddler: I felt that I was already putting into practice most of the information in this book, but it was a good refresher about the importance of setting boundaries, keeping a routine, and such forth. It was a quick read that could be read within a few days.
Early Start Potty Training: I didn't read this book in its entirety, but got most of the general ideas and points. While it all sounds good, and I understand it and like the way it sounds in theory, I don't know at this point that I'm ready to embark into full potty training. I would possibly feel different if I were at home full time. I think at Nathan's age that I would like to start exposing him to the potty and lay the foundation to work towards it. I'm not completely sold though on the idea of infant potty-training.
A Woman After God's Own Heart: This is a book that I had read in college, but at the time much of the information was not relevant to my circumstances. In reading it again I have gained so much more from it. I gleaned so much from the practical points on my roles as a wife and mother. It has challenged me to serve and love my husband more intentionally. I also have an increased desire for growing in wisdom and memorizing scripture. This book has helped me realize my priorities as a woman. Some of the ideas seem "old-fashioned" but overall I really enjoyed this book.
Have you read any good books lately that you would recommend?
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Old Navy Camis
Here's a pretty sweet deal going on at Old Navy. You can print this coupon or just say "Cami 4 me" at checkout while in the store. This deal is running 7/29-7/31.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
White Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookies
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I love to cook, but I'm not that fond of baking. However, I love to eat baked goods :0 It may be the size of my kitchen, my clumsiness, my impatience but I always make a mess. I'm getting better though at being better organized and making counter space before I begin the baking. All that to say, I baked cookies today. Now cookies are usually pretty easy to whip up, so it was a pleasant baking experience. I tried a recipe that I think I had jotted down several years ago while rummaging through my grandma's larger than life recipe box. They are a white chocolate peanut butter cookie. It's got a light peanut butter flavor, but just enough. I used whole wheat flour so I was a little worried that they may not "set up" as well. On the contrary they formed and set perfectly. Add a cold glass of milk and you're in cookie bliss.
1 cup Peanut Butter
1/4 C. milk
1/2 C. vegetable shortening (I used butter flavored)
1 1/2 C. light brown sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
1 egg
2 C. flour
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1 C. white Choc. morsels
Mix with a mixer the first 6 ingredients and set aside
sift flour, salt, and baking soda
Mix dry ingredients with moist
Stir in chocolate
place on ungreased sheet
bake 6-8 min. at 375 degrees
Makes about 3 dozen
Monday, July 26, 2010
Diaper deal
If you have a little one in diapers, Amazon may have a good deal for you. They have a large selection of diapers and wipes on sale. I often buy the Target box of 82 diapers for about $14 because it is usually cheaper than the sale price of name brands even with coupons. However, I went with this Amazon deal and came out with a better bargain. You can look at deal detector for the breakdown and what steps to take to get your deal. You may have to scroll down the page to find the post.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
International Friends
The past few years Luke and I have wanted to participate in NC State's International Friendship Program, but due to procrastination we missed the sign up period. Not this year! I've already completed my applications. The program matches US residents with International students and asks that you get together at least once a month for a meal, coffee, bowling, etc. We've requested a married couple or young family and are looking forward to branching out and learning about another culture as well developing a relationship with them. Check out Alicia's blog to see what new things others are trying.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Harris Teeter Triples Rumor
I would like to apologize for helping to spread the rumor of Harris Teeter running triple coupons this week. My usually reliable source was not correct this time. Hopefully none of you were there early this morning. It could possibly be next week, but I'm not banking on it until I see it directly from the store.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Harris Teeter Triples!
Harris Teeter should be starting triple coupons on Wednesday July 21. You can look for coupon and sale match-ups over at Southern Savers maybe by this weekend.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Tasty Tuesday Dish
I have a great one for you today. I'm not even going to tell you much about it, just try it. It's called crescent zucchini pie, and it's delicious. With the abundance of summer squash and zucchini we already have on hand from our garden and the staple herbs we have in our pantry, it's pretty cheap to make. I used squash and zucchini.
Enjoying our children
I'm back from a 9 day vacation refreshed and relaxed. It was a restful time with family and friends, except for the 1 1/2 days of teething hell that fell in the middle of our week. By the grace of God it only lasted that long! I seriously went to my knees one afternoon asking for God's rest and relief for Nathan's pain, crying, and clinginess. Praise God for his help. Other than that, I enjoyed reading, tanning, napping, sitting in the surf, and being cut off from the internet and normal routines that usually take my attention away from my family. There really is something wonderful about feeling free to do nothing. Now I only need to muster up the motivation to get back on track and get things done.While on vacation, I had time to chew on some thoughts that have been simmering in my mind. One has to do with motherhood. I have to say that I never had really thought about what kind of mother I wanted to be when I had kids. I knew of course that I wanted to set an example of a woman who puts God first and loves them with a patient, passionate, deliberate kind of love. I hadn't thought of how I would handle the daily ins and outs of motherhood. In those early days of motherhood, I read several books about how to set a schedule and routine for your baby, how to make wholesome baby food, etc. I soon found myself a little stressed out (can you say hormones?) about trying to live up to a certain standard and do things the way the books were telling me. While, I have since loosened up a lot, I still have to remind myself often to stop and just enjoy being a mom. In the book I've been reading, A Woman After God's Own Heart, I was reminded of this. God wants us to delight in our children, not just raise them. We need to step back from our expectations of how they are to act, what they are to eat, when they are to develop each skill and simply enjoy God's most precious gift to us. If this means not reading books, blogs, and websites about raising kids, do it. While there is a wealth of information out there, it can sometimes be overwhelming and leave us second guessing everything that we do. I also feel that I've learned a valuable lesson : STOP criticizing how other moms do things and STOP comparing yourself to other moms. God has appointed YOU as the mother of your child. He knows that you are exactly what your precious one needs. Seek his counsel daily (He's way smarter than the authors of those books). I hope any moms that read this will be encouraged in your most privileged role. Now go, enjoy your little ones!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Walmart berries
During a quick trip into Walmart tonight with Luke and Nathan, we found a good deal on strawberries and blueberries. The strawberries were only $1.50 for a pound! The blueberries were $3 for 18oz. That's just barely cheaper than it cost for me to pick them at the berry farm. I like the idea of picking them locally, but I was happy to save some money and sweat. We picked up 3 lbs. of the strawberries to freeze for smoothies and desserts. Yum!
New Adventures
With the extra time I have off from teaching during the summer, I've tried to be proactive in setting little goals for myself. One of those is to try new things that I normally don't feel like I have the time to do. So when I saw this over on Alicia's blog, I decided to hop on board. This week I tried two new things. The first was making blackberry jam. After picking the fresh berries over the weekend, I went to work on Monday to make a batch of jam. I just followed the recipe on the sure-jel pectin box. Now, most jam recipes call for you to give the jars a water bath after the jars are full so that they seal properly. I talked on the phone to my grandma (expert canner), and she told me she never does that for her jam, and they always seal. I had my doubts, but who am I to disagree with grandma? So, I followed her instructions of keeping the lids in hot water on the stove and after filling the jars and putting on the tops, I let them sit. Sure enough, I kept hearing the popping sound of the lids as they sealed. If you are wanting to try making jam but don't have a canning pot, no worries. I didn't use one, and the jam came out great! Just be sure to add the jam to the jars right away after cooking and add the hot lids immediately. I would love to make another batch if I can still get berries after I get back from vacation.
Another new adventure I had was taking Nathan to the Mother Goose story telling time at our local library. The 15 min. program is held twice a week for 1-2 year olds. I went prepared with Cheerios on hand just in case he was less than amused with the activities. I was surprised at how focused he was. He laughed, clapped, and seemed to enjoy it. I was just relieved I didn't have to excuse myself and take the walk of shame out of the library with a crying baby. That said, I think we'll go again.
What about you? Did you try anything new?
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Not so good banana bread
As we gear up to go to the beach next week, I decided to try a new recipe for banana bread to freeze and take with us. Upon returning home from the grocery store, I began to make the bread only to remember that I was out of vegetable oil. I decided to use half lite olive oil and half applesauce as a substitute. Didn't the bread come out looking great? Well, it didn't taste as good as it looks. I was disappointed at how dry it was. I used whole wheat flour and of course the applesauce substitute, so it was healthier, but definitely not as good. The recipe might be good using the oil, but I think I'll stick with my mom's deliciously moist banana bread recipe.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Fruits of my labor
I was super excited to have found a berry farm nearby. This morning I headed out early to embark on this new adventure (I had never been to a berry farm). I gathered and ate a few, gathered and ate a few until I had 3 lbs. of blackberries and 3lbs of blueberries. I'm going to freeze some of the blueberries and on Monday I'm making jam (another first) with the blackberries. I wanted to share a great blueberry coblerry pie. It tastes amazing! I made my own press in crust that you can find the recipe for here. I then used this recipe on Alicia's Homemaking for the pie. Mmm good! Okay....I'm going to go have a piece now.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Harris Teeter bright and early
There once was a mommy who decided not to give her son his bottle before bedtime. Instead, she just gave him a sippy cup of milk at dinner, two hours earlier than usual. So, her little boy then woke up 2 hours earlier than normal at the dark, sleepy hour of 4:30am. After trying to soothe him back to sleep, he began to relentlessly scream until a bottle was placed in his mouth. After which he went back to sleep for a few more hours. This half asleep mother then decided, while fumbling through the kitchen, that she didn't care if her son had a bottle the rest of his life, she did not want to wake up at 4:30am against her will ever again. By this time, the mommy was already awake, so she decided, "Why not make the most of the morning?" She showered, read, had tea, and then headed to Harris Teeter to cash in on the Super Doubles. Yes, she became one those moms that stood at the register with her coupon notebook in hand along with the other peppy morning coupon shoppers waiting for the clock to strike 7am so that she could check out. Upon checking out, she was rather thankful that her son had woken her up early so that she could experience coupon shopping without any of the items being sold out. She was thankful that she was able to bring her $86 bill down to $43. "Maybe waking up so early isn't that bad" she thought, at least until tomorrow morning.
Tasty Tuesday, I mean Wednesday
I never got around to posting the new recipe I tried this week. I technically didn't make it on Tuesday, but it was yummy, and I wanted to share it. The travel bug bit me so I've been pretending that I'm going on a vacation and have been looking at places around NC for night away. I came across a bed and breakfast, Sabotta Manor, and got to looking at their recipes. That is where I found this fab dish that I made for Luke's Father's Day breakfast. The name is a mouthful, Pineapple mandarin cream cheese stuffed french toast. Is your mouth watering? It's a very sweet dish and the pieces are thick, so one piece is a good serving. Instead of syrup for this french toast, the recipe calls for making the glaze/sauce that uses the pineapple and mandarins. Because of it's sweetness, I would recommend serving it with something to counteract it like bacon, eggs, or sausage. It really was delicious but should probably be steered clear of if you're trying to cut calories or watch your sugar intake. However, indulgence is a necessary part of life every once in awhile.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
I love Ross!
In case I haven't stated it before, I love Ross. I often find a great bargain there for something specific that I'm looking for. I got a top brand pair of sunglasses this year for only $6. They also usually have great prices on baby stuff. I've found that some of it is even cheaper than or equivalent to what I might pay at a consignment sale. Anyhow, today confirmed my love for Ross. For the past year, I've been looking here and there for a white set of dishes. I wanted something crisp, classic, and elegant. Not too modern, not too antique looking, something just right. Yesterday I found them at Ross. They are Mikasa's Antique White collection. I opened the box, checked them out, and then hid them behind other items on a shelf just in case I decided to come back and get them. I looked online last night to see what the going rate was for them and to read some reviews. The prices I found ranged from $120-$140. I knew then that Ross was offering a great deal, so today I returned, pulled them out of hiding and purchased them for $41.99! So, I've been trying to make a habit of checking at Ross first for an item before I move on to another store. I can't wait to use my new dishes at dinner tonight!
Friday, June 18, 2010
Just read that Harris Teeter will be doing super doubles next week beginning 6/23. Get your $1.98 or less coupons ready. They will double up to 20 coupons. I'm not sure how strict stores are about this. I've gone over several times by 5 or so and never had a problem. You can check out Southern Savers this weekend for a match up of some of the deals.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Tasty Tuesday
This week I tried out a recipe for "sloppy lentils." Okay, so the title doesn't make it sound too appetizing, but it was good. It's a take on sloppy joes using lentils. They've got a good flavor with just the right amount of sweetness. I really liked them. Luke stated he would still rather have the meat version, but these suit me just fine. They make for a hearty and filling meal full of protein and fiber. It's also very cost efficient. With just the two of us, it's definitely enough for two meals, so I think I know what we'll be having for lunch tomorrow.
Consignment Sales
I for one love a good consignment sale. The way kids grow so quickly, it's hard for me to justify buying Nathan new clothes at full price. I think I've actually only bought Nathan a few pieces of clothing new since he was born. Most of his clothes come from consignment sales/stores or grandma (I even had to tell her not to buy him more). I found this website, Consignment mommies, that keeps track of all of the consignment sales in your area. You can just type in the city and state and get the info and websites for each sale all in one place. Good to know right?
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Bananaberry bran muffins
It's tasty Tuesday! I tried a new recipe today and am excited to share. I had blueberries on hand and wanted to incorporate them into whatever I made. I tried a recipe for banana blueberry bran muffins that I scoped out on Money Saving Mom's website. I followed the recipe as is except I didn't have flax seed on hand so I substituted about 2/3 tbsp. of oil instead, and they turned out great. Oh and I also added about 2 pinches of brown sugar (I just had to know that there was some sugar in them :) They are bran muffins so don't go expecting your typical blueberry muffin. They aren't nearly as sweet, but the honey gives it a good flavor. Overall, I really like them. They are a healthy and filling breakfast muffin or snack. I like them best warm with a little butter. Nathan really loved having one for a snack too.
Monday, June 7, 2010
When living naturally becomes negative
Since having Nathan, I have become much more aware of and conscientious about what we eat and the things that we use on a daily basis. I find myself reading labels much more and trying to decipher between which items are more beneficial and less harmful. While doing these things are good and well, if not careful, I can find myself obsessing about it, which is not good. In recent culture, there is a push for people to embrace only those things which are natural and organic. This is not wrong in and of itself, in fact it is good and wholesome. However, I sometimes get the idea that people feel that these things make you a better person, better mom, etc. I realized that I was allowing this way of thinking to make myself feel guilty. I also need to be careful that I don't cause others to feel this way as a result of the choices I make for my family. To each his own. I came across this post on the blog Passionate Homemaking that I enjoy, and it hits the nail on the head for this subject matter. I hope you read it and are encouraged and challenged by it. I know I was. So, while I do aspire to make more natural choices for my family, I'm not going to obsess on it or look down on others who may choose otherwise. I love how in the post, Lindsay (I'm not referring to myself, her name is Lindsay too) points out that relationships and fellowship are more important. God calls us to walk humbly and love others. Why let a little high fructose corn syrup get in the way of that?
Friday, June 4, 2010
Yard sale on the news!
Today I had the opportunity to be interviewed for a piece about yard sales. Yes, that's right, I was on the six o'clock evening news on WRAL. I'll be honest, it was not something that I was overly excited about. Before they arrived for the interview, I'm sure I looked at myself and the house nervously a gagillion times. I hate that nervous feeling. So, if you missed it, here it is, my 30 seconds of fame. I'll post after tomorrow's sale to let you know how we did. Maybe our television debut will help boost our sales! By the way, props to my little Nathan for being so good while they were here.
Krispy Kreme
Free Donut
It's National Donut Day! They really do have a day for everything, don't they. Well, I'm glad they do because it means a free donut when you purchase any medium beverage at Dunkin Donuts. Promotion is for June 4 only. Now to the hard part, glazed or chocolate cream filled?
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Everday Pleasures
A Way to Save
While standing in front of the milk cooler at the grocery store, my eyes lit up when I saw organic milk for $2.85. I moved into quick action to claim my gallon. The milk was 50% off because the expiration date was 3 days away. However, at the rate we're going through milk, I knew it wouldn't be a problem to use it within 3-4 days. In most cases, you can go past the date one or two days, and it is still fine. This made me remember and think of an easy way to save money at the grocery store. Look for markdowns on items that are nearing their posted date. Most of the time, the items are perfectly fine but are marked down to get a sale in before they have to be thrown away since the grocery store is not allowed to sell the items past their posted sell by date. I have found produce marked down for a great deal. If you find bananas, berries, or other fresh fruit that is marked down because it is a little overripe and you can't use it that day, you can take them home, chop them, and freeze them. This is great for making smoothies! I've also found really good deals on meat this way. As with the fruit, if you can't use it within 1-2 days, freeze it. Now that's an easy way to save, and no coupons required!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Tasty Tuesday
Recently I've been feeling as though I've been in a cooking rut. My meals the past month have been coming together haphazardly with not a lot of thought. So, each Tuesday this month I'm going to try out a new recipe and post the good and the bad. Up first for review is a summer harvest soup.
I liked the soup because it was cooked in a crockpot. I chopped and prepped this morning, went for a massage, and came back to a pleasant aroma of simmering soup. It was hearty with the fresh veggies, but needed a little kick. I think my mistake was in adding too many noodles. I chose to use dry noodles because I already had them on hand and added them 30 min. before serving. I however just eyeballed it and after they swelled from cooking, I think they took away from the veggies. I would also recommend adding a little salt. I shredded some fresh parmesan and added some croutons to top it off. Another plus was that Nathan really enjoyed it!
Morning Bliss
Today is one of those rare mornings. The house is quiet, my English breakfast tea is sweetened perfectly, and I'm ALONE! I don't remember the last time my morning has looked like this. Luke took Nathan to daycare on his way to work because I have an appointment later (I'll tell you about that later). So, here I sit drinking my tea and basking in this morning bliss. I'm feeling pretty accomplished too. The kitchen is clean, laundry is spinning, and my heart is full from time in God's Word. I wanted to share a thought from my quiet time(I really don't like this phrase, but for lack of another, I'll use it). Genesis 17:16 says She (Sarah)shall be a mother of nations. I was reading in a devotional book how we all leave a legacy of sorts. This challenged me to think about the legacy I will be leaving with my children, friends, family, strangers, etc. Each day we are given opportunities both big and small to leave a lasting legacy. A quote in a book I'm reading states:Don't waste a moment of your faith stewardship. Pass it on! So the question is, what will you be passing on today?
By the way, the appointment I have today is for a massage and pedicure.The best part is, it was a gift. I'm just a little excited!
Monday, May 31, 2010
Baby Goods
The site I'm going to share will mostly only apply to those with babies, but perhaps if you don't have a baby, you can pass it along to someone else. Diaper Swappers is a site where you can buy and sell baby items. The specialty is cloth diapers, but they have other items as well. Think of it as a Craigslist for diapers. I'm wanting to buy just a few cloth diapers to try out. I figured it would be fun (on second thought, I don't think fun really works when referring to diapers) to give it a go and see if I would like to use cloth diapers the next time around.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Sweet Summertime
Summer break has begun! That means for the next 2 1/2 months I get to play the role of a stay at home mom. I'm so excited I can barely stand it! Now that I have a lot more time on my hand, I must resist the urge to watch T.V. and movies all day (like that would happen anyhow with a 13 month old at my heels). Each summer I plan out a list of things I want to accomplish during my precious time off. So, here it is, My summer to do list. In addition to these things, I will be tutoring some children and going on a few vacations, so I think there will be plenty to keep me busy.
1. Organize and put together a recipe notebook
2. Have a yard sale (June 5 to be exact)
3. Houseclean each room (woodwork, blinds, etc.)
4. Sell baby items at a consignment sale
5. Scope and sequence curriculum for next year
6. Continue my running. I'm at 2 miles, but I want to build up to do a 5k.
7. Read the following books:
Kingdom Education: A required book for school
A Woman After God's Own Heart by Elizabeth George: I read this book in college but could learn so much more from it now as a wife and mom. I'm also leading a small group with it at church this summer, and I'm eager to go through it together.
Eats With Sinners by Arron Chambers
I'll also end up reading a few fiction books for leisure reading on the beach. First on my list is The Mark of the Lion series by Francine Rivers.
What's on your book list? I would love to know.
1. Organize and put together a recipe notebook
2. Have a yard sale (June 5 to be exact)
3. Houseclean each room (woodwork, blinds, etc.)
4. Sell baby items at a consignment sale
5. Scope and sequence curriculum for next year
6. Continue my running. I'm at 2 miles, but I want to build up to do a 5k.
7. Read the following books:
Kingdom Education: A required book for school
A Woman After God's Own Heart by Elizabeth George: I read this book in college but could learn so much more from it now as a wife and mom. I'm also leading a small group with it at church this summer, and I'm eager to go through it together.
Eats With Sinners by Arron Chambers
I'll also end up reading a few fiction books for leisure reading on the beach. First on my list is The Mark of the Lion series by Francine Rivers.
What's on your book list? I would love to know.
Friday, May 14, 2010
$3 off Huggies Coupon
There's a coupon for $3 off Huggies snug and dry diapers, but you may want to print it before it's gone. Look under the "household" or "personal care" category when you go here.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Super doubles
Southern Savers posted that Harris Teeter will begin super doubles 5/19-5/25. This means they will double a coupon up to $1.98. This should provide some pretty good deals. In the next couple of days, you can look for a list of coupon match-ups here.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Free e-book
I guess I have always been a bit of a worrier, but since having Nathan, I would say my worrying tendencies increased. I embarrassingly admit that I often find myself crying in my car about things that haven't even happened. I imagine my reactions to traumatic events and within a few moments the tears are streaming. Do other people do this? If not, I may have one more thing to cry about. This however makes me very good at empathizing with other people. I am routinely having to give my worries to God and trust that He always has my good in mind and will never abandon me in any situation. After knowing and hearing of several people who have lost a baby, my heart is often broken at the thought. The book below deals with this issue and the issues of trusting God through difficult circumstances.
While visiting another blog, I saw a post for a free e-book for I Will Carry You by Angie Smith. As I investigated further, I learned more of the story behind the book. I'm putting it on my reading list. Has anyone ever read it or heard of it?
If you would like to learn more about Angie's story, you can check out her blog here. By clicking on the link of the book title, you can get your free e-book. I think the deal ends today.
Formula Freedom!
Since Nathan was 4 1/2 months old, he has been drinking formula. As of a week ago, we are formula free!!!! I did some estimating and came up with a rough amount spent on formula over the last 8 months. The total was nearly $500!! We used the Target brand which was significantly cheaper than the name brands, so I know it could have been much more expensive. What would we have done if we had been blessed with twins? Just another good reason to nurse the first year if you're able. Maybe with the next one I can nurse longer and put that money saved in a college fund. For now, I'm just relieved to have one less expense to budget for each month.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Let Your Garden Grow!
Ahh! Can you smell that? The fragrance of fresh cut grass, honeysuckle nectar, and ripe strawberries can only mean that summer is right around the corner. With summer nearing its debut, we (mostly Luke)readied the garden and we got to planting. Last year was our first year having a garden, and we had great success. We're praying the same for this year. A garden is one of the greatest ways to cut some off of your grocery budget. We spent $12 on plants, but will probably save more than 5x that during the course of the summer months. In the garden this year we have squash, zucchini, 2 varieties of tomatoes, and 3 varieties of peppers. I'm also going to do a small herb garden in strawberry pots. Your food just seems to taste better when you know that you grew it! I'm licking my lips just at the thought.
If you would like to plant a garden, it's not too late. All you need is some plants, a small space or even just some pots. I know a couple of people who have had good success planting in hay bales too.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Lessons of Motherhood
Last year was my first Mother's Day being a mom and my little Nathan was only a week old. Of course it was special, but this year seems to have even more meaning to me. Maybe it's because, by the grace of God, I made it a whole year as a mom! Last year I was sore from nursing, exhausted, and experiencing a nice dose of "baby blues". This year I have a better sense of what motherhood entails, and I can appreciate the gift of being a mom much more. Thinking back over the year, here are some of the lessons being a mom has taught me.
1. When you are in a hurry, it is inevitable that your child will spit up or poop just as you are about to walk out the door.
2. Being a mom is hard on your back.
3. Nap time is God's way of helping moms stay sane.
4. Children's toys are completely overrated. A box and paper are the preferred toys of choice.
5. A new sense of joy is discovered in hearing the laughter of your child.
6. 7am is the new 10am for sleeping in
7. You will make yourself look ridiculous and crazy all for one smile or laugh from your little one.
8. Priorities drastically change.
9. Women who have 2+ children under the age of 3 have the hardest job. I look up to them.
10. The most important thing that I have come to learn is that God's love for us, his children, exceeds all measure of what I can understand. I know how much I love Nathan, but to know God loves him even more is astounding!
Happy Mother's Day!
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Address Labels
Hello All! Things are busy, and I am ready for a slow down. I've got a pile of coupons scattered across the table, a stack of books, and I can barely see my kitchen table. I will say though there is a vase of beautiful tulips and gerber daisies in the middle of the table, which makes looking at the mess a little more bearable. With that said, I haven't had much time to track down any deals the past few weeks. I take that back, I did find an awesome snapfish deal on 5x7 photo books that I snagged, but I didn't have time to blog about it. I did feel a little guilty though not telling you.
Here is a great deal though: You can get 48 address labels for FREE at Pear Tree. They're not your plain Jane labels either. They have really cute designs (much better than the one's I use that St. Jude's sends me because I sent them a pitiful $5. I quickly take them out of the envelope and throw the sad story away now because I know it will only end in tears.) More information than you needed, now back to the deal.
Here's how to get your free labels:
Go to here to peartree's website.
Choose your labels. You can get 24 of the large labels or 48 of the regular size
Use the code MOMSDAY10 at checkout
Get labels for absolutely free even next day shipping is free. You don't even have to enter payment info.
*word of warning though, the site seems to be overloaded and loading very slowly at times. I had to submit the code about 3 times because it continued to say it was invalid. It eventually worked though.
Here is a great deal though: You can get 48 address labels for FREE at Pear Tree. They're not your plain Jane labels either. They have really cute designs (much better than the one's I use that St. Jude's sends me because I sent them a pitiful $5. I quickly take them out of the envelope and throw the sad story away now because I know it will only end in tears.) More information than you needed, now back to the deal.
Here's how to get your free labels:
Go to here to peartree's website.
Choose your labels. You can get 24 of the large labels or 48 of the regular size
Use the code MOMSDAY10 at checkout
Get labels for absolutely free even next day shipping is free. You don't even have to enter payment info.
*word of warning though, the site seems to be overloaded and loading very slowly at times. I had to submit the code about 3 times because it continued to say it was invalid. It eventually worked though.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
I was off of work yesterday, so I went back to Harris Teeter to see if they had restocked. I walked away getting quite a few things for free and only spending $3.07.
I got 2 bags of rice, 3 bags of steamer vegetables, salad dressing, gum, hot sauce,and noodles. 9 items for only $3!
I got 2 bags of rice, 3 bags of steamer vegetables, salad dressing, gum, hot sauce,and noodles. 9 items for only $3!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
My deals of the day
I hit up Harris Teeter today after work for some triple coupon shopping. I was happy with the result. I have to confess though that I found myself getting upset at the people that had shopped before me and cleared the shelves of some of the items that were the best deals. I mean today was the first day of triples, and they were already out of many of the items I wanted. I'll be honest, I'm just a little jealous that I'm not a stay at home mom who could have gone this morning. All is good though! I'll check back when I'm off on Friday to see if they restocked. I walked away paying $27 for $73 worth of groceries. Definitely going to come in under my weekly grocery budget for this week. WOOT, WOOT!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Harris Teeter coupon match ups
If you plan on shopping Harris Teeter for their triple coupon deals, you might want to check out this site. She has a thorough list of items you can get for free, less than $1, or less than $2 with your coupons. Many of them also have the link to print out the coupons. Go here to check it out. Let me know of the deals you find!
Monday, April 26, 2010
From my heart
Am I the only one who sometimes feels overwhelmingly inadequate at being myself? This sounds strange, but it's sometimes hard just to be yourself. I have this ideal Lindsay that I want to be but often I feel a little disappointed that I don't live up to my own expectations. However, God is teaching me to be content, not just with things, but with myself. Let me first say that I'm not saying we shouldn't aspire and work towards self-improvement, but we do need to realize that God created us to be satisfied with who we are in Him. I'm regularly trying to define myself as a person by the things I do. I want to be a "healthy" person so I run (slowly) and choose organic milk to make myself feel better about the cookie that I'm going to eat with it. I want to be a "trendy" person (I said want to be, not that I am) so I read up on fashion magazines and window shop the stores that I can't afford. I want to be a "thrifty" person so I clip coupons, shop deals, and read too many blogs. All of these things are good and fine, but sometimes it's hard for me to truly know who I am and feel content with that. Do you ever put yourself in situations and try to take on a role that you realize is completely not you? Over and over again, I have tried to make myself be a crafty person. After decoupaging disasters, a half-knitted scarf that sat in my closet for 4 yrs, and having my drawings laughed at by the first graders I teach, I am sadly realizing that I am just not a crafty person. Maybe like me, you just haven't found your niche. Be content with that. I don't know if I will ever really feel like I know who I am and what I'm good at. I do know though that God calls us to be content in Him. In Christ we don't have to be something we're not. We just have to be willing to be who He calls us to be and then trust Him to equip us for that role.
But godliness with contentment is great gain. I Timothy 6:6
But godliness with contentment is great gain. I Timothy 6:6
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Triple Coupons This Week!!!
A friend passed along some great information to me. Harris Teeter will be doing triple coupons starting on Wednesday! I haven't confirmed this with the store, but I've seen it mentioned on a few sites that seem to be in the know. Go ahead and get your coupons in order and get set for some savings. I love stocking up on items during triple coupons that way I already have it when it's not on sale. So, if you don't regularly get the Sunday paper, you may want to pick one up tomorrow. You can also check out and print them at home. Remember that even ones that say "do not double or triple" may still be tripled depending on the bar code. Look back at my previous post about this if you want more information.
CVS Trip
I stopped by CVS today for a quick trip to redeem some coupons and match them up with in store deals. I did fairly well. The total without my coupons and ECB's would have been $24, and I only paid $11. It's not a lot of items, but makeup alone can be pricey. I did 2 transactions to roll over ECB's earned. Here's how I broke it down.
First Transaction:
Covergirl Mascara (5.99)
-$1 off coupon
Blush (free)
-Used BOGO coupon for covergirl products
Got $4.00 in ECB
Second Transaction:
1 Kotex U pads (4.99)
-$1 off coupon
Tissues (.99)
Venus double pack razor (7.12)
-$2 off coupon
Used $5 ECB
Got $1 ECB back
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
$5 Off Merona Handbags at Target
I just ordered a handbag for my mom for Mother's Day (ssh) and used the coupon code TGTMNAAS to get $5 off. They are also offering free shipping right now on many of the handbags. I don't know how long this deal will continue, so you may want to check it out soon if you are interested. I was able to score a bag for $8. They did have some $10 bags, but it appears that most of them are out of stock. They do have bags for $12.99 so you can still get a good deal. Go to Target's website to browse.
I saw this info on
I saw this info on
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Mother's Day Gift Idea
These cute photo books are 50% off plus you can get free shipping when you use the code MOMBOOK at checkout. Below are some of the price details. You can go to See Here to make yours.
* 5x8 Soft Cover with 20 pages $3.49
* Mini Book 24 pages $2.49
* 8x8 Printed Cover Story Book 20 pages $14.99
* and many more!
Expires April 20
Thanks $30 weekly grocery challenge for the info.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Sunday, April 11, 2010
7th Generation Cleaners
Picked up a deal today at Toys R Us/ Babies R Us. They have a selection of their 7th Generation all natural cleaning/laundry products on clearance for $1.98. In addition, they are buy one get one half off. On top of that, there are two $1 off coupons in today's coupon insert in the Sunday paper. I got these two products for $1.81 total! It seems like this clearance deal is pretty widespread at all R Us stores, so maybe you can snag some at a store near you.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Another Walgreens Picture Deal
I'm loving these free and super cheap photo deals Walgreens is offering this week. Today only, you can get 20 prints for 0.20. Just go here to order your prints. When checking out, use coupon code 20prints at checkout. Choose in store pickup and you should only pay .20.
Thanks Money Saving Mom.
Thanks Money Saving Mom.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Menu planning
One of the best tools that has helped to save money on groceries is weekly menu planning. Especially now that I am a mom, I do not have the time (or energy) to go to the grocery store several times a week. I came across this menu planning document a while back, and I love it. I use the second one pictured on the page. I like having my list and menu all together on one page. It's also nice to have the grocery items separated into categories. Before using this I would shop with a list of items only to find that I forgot to get something in the dairy section clear across the store. I was constantly back tracking. It takes some planning ahead of time, but it's nice knowing what's for dinner each night and not having to come up with something once I come home from work.
The project girl website has some other cute ideas as well.
The project girl website has some other cute ideas as well.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Free photos
Walgreens is offering a deal that ends today. You can get 20 prints for free. Go here and order your pictures. You can type coupon code PRINTS20 when ordering and you'll get them free. You can order online today and pick them up in your closest store tomorrow and pay nothing. I just ordered my free prints!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Snapfish Deals of the Week
Snapfish is celebrating a 10 year birthday and are offering some good deals to go along with it. Click here to check them out.
One of the deals is 100 prints for $10 plush free shipping. These deals expire in a couple of days.
One of the deals is 100 prints for $10 plush free shipping. These deals expire in a couple of days.
CVS Deals
After doing some reading about how to navigate my way into CVS shopping, I decided to give it a go yesterday. I looked through their ad, circled items, made a list, organized my coupons, and I was ready to go. My plan was to do one transaction buying the products that I would earn ECB'S (extra care bucks) and then do another transaction using the ECB's to buy things on sale that I had a coupon for. This ended up working out pretty well. I spent $30 out of pocket and bought $22 worth of more stuff using the ECB's I had earned and not having to pay out of pocket. In the end I still have $2 worth of ECB's to use on my next purchase. I got $52 worth of products for $30. I think next time I will do things a little differently though so I can walk out spending less. I did learn a few things from this trip: (1) Having an 11 month old that decides to make his loudest noises while in the store can stress me out and cause me to loose a little focus (2) Double check the size on the product even if the sale tag on the shelf is right below the one you picked up. This will save me time and confusion at the register.
If you are curious about how to maximize on CVS deals and how to start using their extra care bucks (money back coupons at the end of your receipt that can be used on your next purchase) click here.
If you are curious about how to maximize on CVS deals and how to start using their extra care bucks (money back coupons at the end of your receipt that can be used on your next purchase) click here.
Monday, April 5, 2010
coupon coding
While at the grocery store the other day I learned some good info that I would like to pass along. The guy checking out my groceries, helped me understand a few things about the coding on the bar code of coupons. Here's a rundown of what he told me. If the first number at the front of the barcode is a 5, it will double or triple even though the coupon may say "do not double or triple." If that number is a 9, it will not. In the picture you can see I have circled the five, so I know this will double. In the second grouping of numbers, if the second number is a 0 you can use it on any variety of the brand listed, not just the stated flavors or size. In the picture I have underlined the number. It is a 3 so it is only good for what is stated on the coupon. Hope this helps you some. I was very thankful to the guy for sharing these tidbits with me.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Stoneyfield yogurt coupons
I'm a big fan of Stoneyfield's organic yogurts, but was kind of sad that I rarely see coupons for them. I however didn't think to look on their web site. Luckily, there are people smarter than I am :) Saw this on Money Saving Mom. You can register on the stoneyfield website and are able to print coupons once per month. However, I noticed that they must be redeemed within 10 days of printing them. While on their website I also found this deal. When you buy 4 specially marked yo-baby products and enter the codes in on the website, you get a free Leap Frog book. So, if you are already buying the products, why not get something free?
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Restaurant Deals
If you live in the Raleigh area, there's a good site that offers 1/2 off restaurant certificates. They have many good local restaurants like Bogarts, Michael Dean's, Lucky 32, NOFO, Ruckus pizza, and many more. They have a limited supply of each, and they do sell out quickly. They usually replenish their supply near the start of the month, but I've found, I just have to check frequently. They are usually in quantities of $25 (you pay $13.50) or $50 (you pay $25). It's a great place to check out if you are wanting to try a new place and score some savings while you are at it. They also have other certificates for spas, golf, etc. Check it all out here on zspotlight. If you are not in Raleigh, they also have several other NC locations as well as Myrtle Beach.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Book recycling
Do you have books sitting around on shelves that you've only read once and don't care to read again? I know I do. I'm still not sure why I bought a 500+ page novel at a 10 cent sale. This purchase clearly must have been during the summer and before having a baby when I actually had time for leisure reading. However, there are many books on my "to read list." Anyhow, there is a solution. I came across this site while reading on money saving mom's web page. There's a web site called . You can request books and swap out your used books. You just pay shipping. I have not tried it yet, but plan to soon. When I do, I will post about my experience. Read more on money saving mom's site. Let me know if you have used this site or a similar book swap site.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Meatless Menu
Back in November Luke and I decided to go meatless (at least when we're cooking at home). We still eat meat, we just don't buy it and cook it at home the majority of the time. Our reasoning was to cut down on our grocery bill and eat a little healthier at the same time. We've really liked this change. I've liked the challenge of finding good recipes to pack in the protein we typically would have had, and I definitely don't miss handling raw meat. People usually ask me, "If you don't cook meat for dinner, what do you eat?" So to answer your question, here's a look at our menu for this week.
Monday: Veggie and black bean tacos, rice, and fruit
Tuesday: Breakfast for dinner-eggs, pancakes, fruit (I might actually cook bacon too:)
Wednesday: Spaghetti, salad, garlic bread
Thursday: Date night- dinner out
Friday: macaroni and cheese , corn and peas, salad, and rolls
Saturday: Grilled veggie foccacia sandwiches
Sunday: Easter dinner with family
Monday: Veggie and black bean tacos, rice, and fruit
Tuesday: Breakfast for dinner-eggs, pancakes, fruit (I might actually cook bacon too:)
Wednesday: Spaghetti, salad, garlic bread
Thursday: Date night- dinner out
Friday: macaroni and cheese , corn and peas, salad, and rolls
Saturday: Grilled veggie foccacia sandwiches
Sunday: Easter dinner with family
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Today's steals and deals
Saturday, March 27, 2010
The battle of wills
Today while I was out doing a little browsing and shopping, I was lured in by the pretty spring colors, the cute handbags, and the feeling of "yes, having that would make my life better." Being thrifty is often a battle of wills within me. I know that being thrifty and practicing self-control is necessary for my family to become debt free, but the shopaholic within me often cries out and wants to be set loose and abandon all knowledge of smart shopping. Luckily, the thought of facing my husband after setting her free is enough to stop me :)
Coupon Notebook
I'm just diving into the coupon world, so I by no means have a perfect system. A couple people have asked me how I set up my coupon book so I thought it time to share. I used a simple three ring binder, divider tabs, and trading card pages. I set it up into categories such as dairy, snacks, canned goods, cereal, frozen, household items, etc. I then put one coupon or multiple coupons that are the same together in the card holders and put the pages in their appropriate category, and it's that simple. I also keep a section at the end for store specific coupons an any restaurant coupons. Right now I have a 2 in. binder, but I think I need to use only a 1 in. binder right now, so I may have to adjust.
I've seen others who group their coupons by grocery store isles. This could work well if there is one store you shop at most frequently.
Another option is the envelope system. Make an envelope for each category you want and group them that way. You can then check the sale ads before shopping and transfer the coupons you want to use into one envelope to take with you. For some this is more manageable.
Here's a good site that spotlights several different ways and how to implement them.
Most importantly is to find a system that fits your needs and is easy to use.
Here's a site that often has some good deals. When you sign up you get a $10 credit to shop with. I was able to score a good deal with it.
If you check in the pearhead event, you can find some cute frames in which you will only end up spending $4.94 for total. They do sell out of items though, so get them while they last! Click the link below to claim your $10.
b Trendie
If you check in the pearhead event, you can find some cute frames in which you will only end up spending $4.94 for total. They do sell out of items though, so get them while they last! Click the link below to claim your $10.
b Trendie
Birthday Parties on a Budget
In the coming month I am planning a party for my little boy who will be turning one. I'll need food, paper products, location, favors, decorations, etc. Just looking at this list could break our budget! I of course want to have a memorable and fun party, but not at the expense of spending a bundle. Here's some practical tips I've put together for myself. Maybe you have some ideas too. Please share.
1. Have it at your home or the home of a relative. You could also choose a park. Renting a community center or reception hall is very pricey, so use your own resources.
2. Keep the decorations simple. Blow up some balloons yourself, make your own centerpieces, make a clothesline with decorative ribbon and pictures of your little one's first year.
3. Don't buy character/printed paper products. No one will remember or care if you had plates that said "Baby's first birthday." Go with solid plates, cups, and napkins. To be even more thrifty and green, use your own dinnerware.
4. Plan the party for in between meals like 1:00-3:00 or 6:30-8:00. This will keep you from having to serve a complete meal.
5. Make your own cake. If you are not a natural pastry chef like me, you could bake and frost cupcakes and serve them on a cute cupcake platter.
6. Accept help if people offer.
7. Keep it simple and enjoy the day.
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